Study group XII Public sector financial management

Description and objective of the Study Group

The Permanent Study Group XII Public Sector Financial Management, part of EGPA, is an intellectual platform devoted to the study of ‘Public Sector Financial Management’. The overall objective of the Study Group is to provide a forum for scholars and practitioners to present, discuss and debate their research, findings, and ideas about innovative approaches to, and tools used in, Public Sector Financial Management (PFM). It also highlights and compares experiences of established systems, or systems that are still under trial in European and non-European countries. The Study Group convenes twice a year to create a network of close collaboration among its participants. These meetings give participants the opportunity to highlight and compare experiences of innovations in PFM, to define both theoretical structures and their practical implementation to deal with accounting, financial sustainability, and financial distress in public sector organisations.

Permanent Study Group XII CO-CHAIRS

Prof. Dr. Isabel Brusca

University of Zaragoza (Spain)

Prof. Dr. Eugenio Caperchione

University of Modena & Reggio Emilia (Italy)

Prof. Dr. Sandra Cohen

Athens University of Economics and Business (Greece)

Prof. Dr. Francesca Manes Rossi

University of Napoli Federico II - Economics, Management and Institutions (Italy)

Prof Dr. Marco Bisogno

University of Salerno (Italy)

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