EGPA 2024 Conference 2024

"Strengthening Democratic Governance for Better Public Policies and Services"

More pictures will be added progresively. Stay tune!


The EGPA 2024 Conference will be held in Athens,Greece from 3 to 6 September 2024

The Annual Conference of the European Group for Public Administration will be organized in close cooperation with the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences

The EGPA 2024 Conference plenary sessions and panels will be articulated around the focus theme: "Strengthening Democratic Governance for Better Public Policies and Services" 

The EGPA Conference is organized around several activities: plenary sessions, seminars (PhD symposium, French-speaking seminar, and thematic ones),permanent study groups’ sessions(23 EGPA Study Groups), and side meetings (EAPAA meetings for accreditation, EGPA Steering Committee Meeting, Meeting of the Permanent Study Groups co-chairs and collaborative projects’ meetings). 

A series of panels will be coordinated by the EGPA members and key EGPA/IIAS partners.


The European Group for Public Administration (EGPA) is the major learned society in the domain of administrative sciences on the European continent, and a regional group of the International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IIAS). It supports the development of the IIAS and provides a major contribution to the achievement of the institute's mission: improving public governance research, education, and practice. 

EGPA aims at being the European Platform for Public Administration, associating specialized researchers and practitioners, by:

  • Organizing and encouraging the generation and exchange of knowledge on developments in the theory and practice of public administration.
  • Contributing to the development of comparative studies on public administrations from a European perspective.
  • Facilitating innovation in ideas and models, methods and techniques relating to public administration.
  • Fostering the development and consolidation of a community of experts of PA, grouping together recognized scholars, young researchers, and practitioners.

Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences was founded in 1927, thanks to the inspiration and initiative of two enlightened individuals, Georgios Frangoudis and Alexandros Pantos, who had studied at the Free School of Political Sciences in Paris (Sciences Po) and aimed at establishing an equivalent educational institution in Athens.

Panteion University’s overarching mission is to promote academic excellence, to educate democratic citizens who can transform society, and to prepare future leaders in the public and private sectors.

In terms of academic excellence, Panteion University, during its almost 100-year history, has decisively shaped the development of social and political theory and the dissemination of social sciences across Greece.

In terms of public service and educating responsible citizens, Panteion University has left an enduring mark on the public life of the country by placing at the forefront civic education, the development of critical thinking, and research aimed at addressing sociopolitical challenges.

In terms of preparing future leaders, the University's educational programmes are committed to unlocking complex issues through a multidisciplinary approach, while its faculty has a long and distinguished track-record in public service plus a considerable number of former and current Ministers and MPs. Suffice to note that Professor Michail Stasinopoulos served as President of the Hellenic Republic, while Professor Konstantinos Simitis served as Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic.

Today, through its nine academic Departments and rich network of research centres, institutes and laboratories, Panteion University is continuously committed to maintaining the social aspect of public tertiary education, promoting quality interconnection between education and research, and defending and promoting social and political sciences.


Welcome Message of

Prof. Jean-Michel Eymeri-Douzans

EGPA President

Dear colleagues, delegates, and participants,

Chères et chers collègues, délégués et participants, 

Welcome to the 46th EGPA Annual Conference – Athens 2024!

Nous vous souhaitons la bienvenue au 46e congrès annuel du GEAP – Athènes 2024 !  

The European Group for Public Administration/Groupe européen pour l’administration publique team, in close and friendly partnership with the nice team of Anglophone/Francophone colleagues at Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, the School of Public Affairs of Athens (founded in 1927 on the model of and by two Greek alumni of Sciences Po Paris), under the leadership of its Rector, Prof. Christina Koulouri, with Prof. Stavroula Ktistaki, Prof. Antonis Chanos, Prof. Vassilios Kefis, and Ass.Prof. Eva Balta as constant partners on behalf of the local organizing committee, are very pleased to welcome you all in the radiant capital city of Greece, Athens.

Our EGPA 2022 Lisbon and 2023 Zagreb previous editions were already great successes, with more than 500 delegates from 30 countries attending each event – figures which demonstrate the vitality of the EGPA and position our organization, by far, as the most important and most contributing one within the IIAS network. We addressed there the related topics of the many challenges to “the Role of Public Administration for the Sustainable Future of our Societies” (Lisbon), then the necessity but complexity of “Steering European Union through poly-crises storms” (Zagreb). Indeed, since the beginning of the present century, the EU and its Member-States have gone through very turbulent times, including major sanitary, economic, institutional, and geopolitical crises, which we faced with courage, agility, and resilience: such crises challenge very much our governments and the institutional capacities of our public administrations to go on delivering, through crises and after them, public services of the highest possible quality to our citizenries, in an constant and adaptative manner, without weakening the quality-of-government nor the rule-of-law/Rechtstaat/Etat de droit

This year, in the city of Athens, the cradle of democracy, we easily agreed with our hosts on the following overall topic for the EGPA 2024 Conference: “Strengthening Democratic Governance for Better Public Policies and Services“. In our turbulent times when coexist a terrible democratic backsliding and “verticalization of power” in some countries, with a strong demand in other countries for renewed democratization by more participative or deliberative democracy so as to “co-create” public policies, and with the massive challenge caused transnationally to the rule-of-law State and to our fundamental rights and individual freedom by the exponential development of Big Data powered by Artificial Intelligence (a topic addressed in March 2024 at the Trans-European Dialogue Conference between EGPA and our sister organization NISPAcee, hosted in Dubrovnik), it is obvious and fundamental to focus our collective attention on the necessary protection and reinforcement of the democratic nature of our postmodern governance, policymaking and public services’ provision.

In the welcoming premisses, buildings and garden of Panteion University, on the foothills of the Acropolis Hill, our two Plenary Sessions, our 23 vivid EGPA Permanent Study Groups, our dynamic French Speaking Seminar, our PhD Students and Junior Researchers Symposium and the ad hoc special panels arranged by our Greek and other European colleagues, will address issues as varied and complementary as Democracy and Public Administration; the “Executive State” at the core; the role of Independent Administrative Authorities;  the Contribution of the Humanities to Public Administration; Public administrations and policies in the Green Transition era;  Generative AI in the Public Sector; Public Sector Performance;  political governance systems and their implications for the provision of an effective, fair and accountable police service; the interplay between democratic governance structures and public sector organisations;  Driving Impactful Change through Citizen Participation in Public Governance, Policies and Services;  how strategic management can strengthen democratic governance and vice verso; public policy design, evaluation and democratic quality etc  …

The EGPA Steering Committee and me, we are confident that the fellow members of our EGPA community, the regular ones as well as other colleagues from Greece and neighbour countries and, of course, the newcoming younger talents from all universities on our continent, will respond to our so diverse Calls and contribute to our hundred or so panels with great enthusiasm and professionalism! Our 46th Conference in Athens, as the main annual rally of the EGPA community, gathering European researchers from Southern and Northern, Eastern and Western countries, enriched by the contributions of “pracademics” and practitioners, will be, once again, a great forum – let us better say “agora” here – for fruitful scientific discussions. These discussions will be based on excellent research findings and on their democratic “deliberation” amongst peers, aiming at advancing the state-of-the-art of Public Administration as a web of sister disciplines, as well as an art/craft (precisely born in Ancient Greece) of governing and administering complex and even ‘wicked’ policy problems at the service of the Public Interest, the Rule-of-Law, and the democratic nature of our polities, in a spirit of Peace and intercultural mutual  understanding for our continent, on the soil of which neo-barbarians have brough war back and dark forces intend to weaken our democracies from inside. What better place to do so than Greece, where the very idea of Europe was invented and the first model of democracy enforced, over two thousand years ago!

Welcome to all in Athens!

Je souhaite la bienvenue à toutes et tous à Athènes !

Jean-Michel Eymeri-Douzans

EGPA President/Président du GEAP

Welcome message of the Local Organizing Committee

Dear colleagues and friends,

It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to the EGPA 2024 conference on “Strengthening Democratic Governance for Better Public Policies and Services”, to be held at the Panteion University from 3rd to 6th September 2024 in Athens, Greece.

Panteion University, dedicated to advancing education and research, offers a high-level environment for discussion and the development of strategies for improved public policies and services. As we gather here, we embrace the opportunity to explore, learn, and contribute to the discourse that shapes the future of democratic governance.

Panteion University stands as a beacon of academic excellence, fostering a dynamic learning environment. Committed to research-driven education, our institution plays a crucial role in shaping the intellectual landscape. The interdisciplinary nature of our programs, including the Department of Public Administration, encourages holistic perspectives and innovative solutions to contemporary challenges.

The Department of Public Administration at Panteion University is at the forefront of preparing future leaders in public service. With a focus on cultivating critical thinking and analytical skills, our department equips students with the tools needed to navigate the complexities of modern governance. Our faculty members, experts in their respective fields, contribute valuable insights to both academia and public policy.

Greece, known as the cradle of democracy, holds a place in the evolution of political thought. Greece has undergone a transformative journey in reshaping the model of education and training in public administration, aligning it with the overarching goal of strengthening democratic governance and enhancing public policies and services. Emphasis is placed on cultivating critical thinking, ethical leadership, and a deep understanding of the intricate relationship between governance and public welfare.

As the birthplace of democracy, Athens stands as the perfect host city for events centered on strengthening democratic governance. The city’s historical significance serves as a constant reminder of the principles that underpin democratic ideals. Hosting conferences in Athens provides a unique opportunity for participants to immerse themselves in an environment rich with cultural and intellectual heritage.

Athens offers a tapestry of leisure moments that enhance the overall experience for participants. The city’s ancient landmarks, such as the Acropolis and Parthenon, provide a captivating journey through history and architecture. Participants can explore the vibrant neighborhoods like Plaka, where narrow streets are lined with traditional tavernas and charming shops, creating an atmosphere that seamlessly blends the past and present. For those seeking relaxation, Athens boasts beautiful parks, including the National Garden, offering a tranquil escape amidst nature within the bustling city. The Athenian Riviera, with its picturesque coastal towns, invites visitors to unwind by the azure waters of the Aegean Sea. Culinary enthusiasts can indulge in the diverse gastronomic scene, savoring traditional Greek dishes and international cuisine in the city’s eclectic restaurants.

As we embark on this collective journey, we express our gratitude for your participation and commitment to the advancement of democratic governance. May this conference be a catalyst for insightful discussions, collaboration, and the generation of ideas that contribute to building a more conclusive and effective governance framework.

Local Organizing Committee

  • Balta Evangelia, Assistant Professor in the Department of Public Administration of Panteion University, Greece
  • Polymeris Spyridon, Teaching Staff in the Department of Public Administration of Panteion University, Greece
  • Soklis George, Assistant Professor in the Department of Public Administration of Panteion University, Greece



Submission of abstracts: May 15, 2024

Notification to the authors: by May 30, 2024, and by June 10 for some calls with extended deadlines.

Submission of full papers: August 13, 2024

EGPA PhD Symposium 3-4 September 2024

EGPA 2024 Conference: 4-6 September 2024

Important: Some calls extended the deadline till June 10
and for the Special CFP - check the call for papers.


Before submitting your abstract read the call-for-papers and follow the guidelines of the track and/or study group for which you would like to submit a proposal.

Check the deadlines – for your track/PSG
(some Permanent Study Group have different key dates)

Go to ConfTool and check your user account. 

Go to “Your submissions” and select a Seminar/StudyGroup/ track.

Follow the specific instructions given in the Calls.

If prompted, add an attachment.


EGPA 2024 Conference Website:   

EGPA 2024 Conference Management System:

For any questions regarding EGPA 2024, please contact us at:

registration fees

PhD students (PhD Symposium only) **

250 €

PhD students (PhD Symposium and EGPA Conference) **

350 €

Master and PhD Students (EGPA Conference only)

300 €

PSGs, Panels and Seminar Chairpersons and Steering Committee Members

300 €

EGPA/IIAS/IASIA Member Participants

550 €

EGPA Non-Members Participants

650 €

Accompanying Persons

200 €

** Please note that for the PhD Symposium, only PhD Students with accepted applications (and papers) for the PhD Symposium can register for this seminar.


  • The registration of participation is binding.
  • If you cancel the registration, you get 80% back until 30 days before the start of the event. In all other cases, the financial responsibilities of the participants remain fully effective.
  • The participation fees are owed upon registration and are payable within seven days following registration submission (but not later than seven days before the starting day of the event).
  • Participation is not guaranteed until full registration fee payment is received.
  • The conference program may be subject to changes.
  • Payments will be refunded if the organizer cancels the conference. In that case, the organizer will have no further liability to the client. Registrations remain valid if the conference must be postponed.
  • Please note that for the PhD Symposium, only PhD Students with accepted applications (and papers) for the PhD Symposium can register for this seminar.
  • All participants in the conference consent to the (audio, video, and photo) capturing of the sessions, which is an intellectual property of IIAS, and to the use thereof for marketing purposes.
  • Accompanying persons will have only access to social activities. Academic activities participation is not allowed.


Please note that the registration process will open by mid-June, 2024.

You will be able to register at :

Participants with a paper accepted – please use the same profile as when submitting your proposal.

Conference Information


The Conference will take place at the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, 136 Syngrou Av., 17671 Athens, Greece.

Panteion University is located on Syngrou Avenue, close to the centre of Athens. The privately-owned facilities encompass three buildings, constructed at different eras, and beautiful gardens, making up a quaint campus. The oldest building is the administration building, which houses the rectorate, the administrative services, the library, the department secretariats, and the events hall, where graduation ceremonies and other official events occur. The second oldest building is the so-called “glass building” or Stasinopoulos wing, which houses classrooms, labs, and professors’ offices. The newest building, also known as the “new building” or the “seven-story building”, houses professors’ offices from all Panteion departments, classrooms, labs, and large auditoriums for lectures or conferences.

Information on Hotels close to the Conference Venue

There are many of accommodation choices in Athens. Some recommendations near the Conference Venue are:

Athenaeum Grand Hotel
Address: 142 Syngrou Avenue, Kalithea, 17671 Athens, Greece
B4B Athens 365
Address: Fragkoudi 1 & Syngrou Avenue, 17671 Athens, Greece

InterContinental Athenaeum Athens, an IHG Hotel
Address: 89-93 Syngrou Avenue, 11745 Athens, Greece


For inquiries, please contact the organizers at

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