IASIA 2024 Conference

"Alternative Service Delivery and Sustainable Societal Responsiveness"


The IASIA 2024 Conference will be held in Bloemfontein, South Africa, from July 1 to 5, 2024, under the theme "Alternative Service Delivery and Sustainable Societal Responsiveness."

The Annual Conference of the International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration (IASIA) will be organized in close cooperation with the University of the Free State (UFS) and will feature plenary sessions on contemporary public governance themes, special panels/forums, sessions of the IASIA Working Groups, and a PhD seminar. 


The International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration (IASIA) is an entity of the International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IIAS), whose mission is to strengthen administrative capacity building around the world, to advance excellence in public administration education and training, and to conduct, discuss, and disseminate cutting-edge scholarly research and "smart practices" on governance and administration. It supports the development of the IIAS and provides a major contribution to the achievement of the mission of the institute: improving public governance research, education, and practice. 

The University of the Free State (UFS) is a research-led, student-centred, and regionally engaged university that contributes to development and social justice through the production of globally competitive graduates and knowledge.

With the mission of imparting and generating new knowledge that impactfully supports societal development, UFS has grown to become a multi-campus university that contributes to local, national, and international knowledge production, remaining relevant in a rapidly changing global higher education landscape. 


Message by Dr. NAJAT ZARROUK, IASIA President

Dear Esteemed and honorable guests, Dear Honorable Partners, Dear Peers, Colleagues, and Friends of IASIA,

I’m honored and delighted to extend a heartfelt Warm Welcome to each of you for the upcoming IASIA 2024 Conference, as our annual Flagship event in Bloemfontein, South Africa, scheduled from July 1st to 5th, 2024, where we will together address, discuss, brainstorm this timely General Theme: "Alternative Service Delivery and Sustainable Societal Responsiveness".

Organized by the International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration (IASIA) I’m honored to lead and serve as its President in close collaboration, cooperation, and co-creation with the University of the Free State (UFS). Our Conference event promises to offer you diverse activities and segments, through official and closing ceremonies, plenary sessions, IASIA Working Groups sessions, special panels, a PhD seminar, besides our Statutory meetings as moments to address our strategic orientations, to get accountable, and to pave the way for the future of our Association.

From around the World, Public Institutions and governments at all levels and in all sectors are dealing with serious and intricate global, regional, and national challenges, encompassing the COVID-19 pandemic, geopolitical tensions, galloping and poorly controlled urbanization, climate change, inequalities and vulnerabilities of all kinds, disoriented youth, migration movements, and digital revolution, with a critical prevailing lack of trust in public institutions at all levels of governance, coupled with a growing dissatisfaction with government delivery and performance.

Traditional government models have struggled to address citizens' needs and complex issues, paving the way for the emergence of alternative service delivery, opening the public space and public services for other actors and stakeholders (Private Sector, Civil Society Organizations, community organizations…).

These new approaches cannot continue to be improvised to respond to emergencies. Alternative approaches to traditional public service delivery models must be based on a supportive, facilitating, coordinated, and coherent environment (principles and core values, institutional arrangement, modalities of operating, resources…) through inclusion and participatory mechanisms.

The IASIA 2024 Conference will be organized to explore and discuss alternative service delivery to enhance efficiency, responsiveness, inclusiveness, collaboration, co-production and co-creation, and accountability.

Throughout IASIA2024, we will engage in stimulating dialogue, discussions, and exchange around innovative ideas on a broad spectrum of topics, covering IASIA Statutory meetings, the 10 Working Groups, the Track of the Conference, and the Ph.D. Seminar, the launch of new Working Groups, illuminated and inspired by the festival running simultaneously in the City of Bloemfontein (Vrystaat Arts Festival).

My eternal gratitude, deep appreciation, and warmest thanks to IASIA Partner in South Africa, the University of the Free State, to the Program Committee members led by the Vice-president for Program, Prof. Liza van Jaarsveldt, with the support from Prof. Liezel Lues, both members of IASIA Board of Management, and to the Staff of IIAS and IASIA, for their trust, dedication, engagement and time.

A special mention and deep gratitude to all those who will join us in Bloemfontein: the representatives of our Constituency, the members of the Board of Management, our guests, our keynote speakers, our partners, our chairs, co-chairs and directors of our Working Groups, our panelists, our speakers, our participants, and so many others who will join efforts this week to make it a great and unforgettable event.

I wish each of you a highly productive and enjoyable Conference. I eagerly anticipate fruitful discussions and exchanges and a sound harvest.

I am looking forward to welcoming you at the 2024 IASIA Conference in Bloemfontein, South Africa, the Inspiring Country of Madiba!

Eternally, Yours.

Message by Prof. Francis William Petersen, Vice-Chancellor and Principal of the University of the Free State

Esteemed participants, guests, and friends,

It is my great pleasure to extend a warm welcome to each of you to the University of the Free State for the 2024 IASIA Conference. 

I admire the exceptional work the IASIA does in strengthening administrative capacity building worldwide and in advancing excellence in public administration education and training. On behalf of my colleagues and the local organizing committee, I am delighted that the University of the Free State is hosting a conference of this status. 

2024 is a significant year for multiple reasons. This year the University of the Free State commemorates the 120th anniversary of its founding, and the IASIA Conference is a highlight in a calendar marked by numerous scholarly and public engagements that will exhibit our core institutional values of quality, impact, and care. 

2024 also marks the 30th anniversary of South Africa’s first democratic elections and the nation will once again head to the polls to elect new governments at national and provincial levels. Across the globe, some two billion people will participate in elections this year. 

Thus, 2024 presents an opportunity to reflect on the challenges of today and our hopes for the future. The work you do is crucial to our collective efforts to build a brighter tomorrow, forBloemfontein, South Africa, Africa, the Global South, and beyond. 

I trust you will also find anopportunity to enjoy Bloemfontein, the judicial capital of South Africa, wherethe African National Congress was founded, and the birthplace of J.R.R.Tolkien, among other historical accolades. 

May your ideas be innovative, your debates engaging, and your interactions rewarding. 

I wish each delegate and the organizers much success. 

Message by Prof. Liza van Jaarsveldt, IASIA Functional Vice President for Programs

I am thrilled to extend a warm welcome to you for the IASIA 2024 conference in South Africa, my home country.

The upcoming IASIA conference, scheduled for July, promises to be an extraordinary experience. South Africa, often referred to as the 'rainbow nation' by Archbishop Desmond Tutu, embodies multiculturalism, diversity, twelve official languages, and a variety of exceptional cuisines. South Africans are known for their inviting and friendly nature, and we eagerly anticipate hosting all IASIA delegates. Bloemfontein, the chosen host city at the heart of South Africa, provides fantastic opportunities for additional travel, offering captivating experiences before or after the conference.

The IASIA 2024 conference serves as a platform for both emerging scholars and seasoned experts to engage in discussions, debates, idea-sharing, and scholarly interactions while exchanging real-world problems and practices. The conference program allows delegates to participate in various plenary sessions, Working Groups, or attend panel sessions featuring expert viewpoints. This conference, taking place amidst global challenges in service delivery and growing citizen expectations, encourages delegates to embrace innovative and creative thinking throughout this year’s event.

Kind regards.

Message by Rapporteurs IASIA 2024, Prof. dr. Liezel Lues and Dr. Christa de Wet

To all our Colleagues and Friends in Public Administration, with the advent of the 2024 International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration(IASIA) Conference, we extend a sincere word of welcome. As the host of the 2024 conference, we are honored to welcome you to the University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa.

Kindly receive our invitation to participate in, and robustly engage in the contemporary topic of "Alternative Service Delivery and Sustainable Societal Responsiveness." 

May the 2024 IASIA Conference be a catalyst that incites academic rigor with tangible alternative outcomes that can change the lives of every citizen for the better.

We endeavor to provide all in attendance with not only an informative and entertaining engagement but also an experience to remember.

Best wishes.

Message by Dr. RA’ED BENSHAMS, IIAS President

Welcome to the IASIA 2024 Conference, where we delve into the transformative power of "Alternative Service Delivery and Sustainable Societal Responsiveness." This conference serves as a platform for academics, researchers, students, and practitioners to address the pressing challenges facing the public sector.

In today's complex world, traditional forms of government are insufficient to tackle issues such as the global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, geopolitical tensions, and environmental crises. We must reimagine the role of government and explore innovative approaches to public service delivery.

As Albert Einstein famously said, "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Let us challenge the status quo and ask thought-provoking questions:

- What drives transformative dynamics in public governance and service delivery?

- How should traditional forms of government be reevaluated to meet evolving societal needs?

- How can alternative service delivery empower governments to be facilitators and regulators?

- What are the best alternatives to ensure the continuity of public services?

- Which legislative, institutional, and organizational arrangements promote alternative service delivery?

- How can collaboration, co-creation, social innovation, and complexity reduction foster sustainable and responsive governance?

Together, we can create a future where governments, citizens, and communities collaborate to build resilient, inclusive, and effective public services. Be part of shaping a brighter tomorrow through a journey of discovery, innovation, and collaboration. Together, we can transform the way we serve our people, society, and the world.

Message by DR. Sofiane Sahraoui, IIAS Director General

The IASIA conference is back in South Africa this coming July after the 2021 conference was held online because of the Covid situation at the time. Though the conference co-organized with UNISA at the time was very successful despite being the first fully online organized conference of IASIA, a feeling of unfinished job was left lingering with many who were looking to go to one of the powerhouses of IASIA, the beautiful country of South Africa.  The wait will not be long as we are surely heading to Bloemfontein in July, in the heartland of the rainbow nation.

The University of the Free State (UFS), with its majestic campus, will be staging a scientific show on the theme of alternative service delivery and sustainable societal responsiveness.  Under the competent scientific leadership of Liza van Jaarsveldt, IASIA VP for Programs and the chair of the conference program committee supported by the co-rapporteurs Liezel Lues and Christa de Wet, and further support from Mareve Biljohn from UFS, IASIA is well ahead in its preparations. This conference looks like a landmark in the series of summer conferences organized by IASIA.

The IASIA conference is centered on its 10 working groups growing to thirteen after three new groups were approved in last year’s conference in Manilla, Philippines. However, beyond the working groups, the conference consists of plenaries about the conference theme, public administration in the host country and the region, and the opening and closing ceremonies.  A set of panels on how to get published, and accreditation, the PhD seminar complements the program of the academic network.

The IASIA conference is an opportunity for the Board of Management of the association to meet and deliberate on its business; the new vision and strategy proposed by the IASIA President as well as statutory changes for IASIA to go along with changes that were already implemented at IIAS will be core issues to debate.  ICAPA, the IASIA accrediting body, usually meets during the conference to take stock of ongoing accreditations which are on the increase.

Finally, IASIA is not only about scholarship but also fun. A welcome reception, gala dinner, VIP dinner, and a social program at the end of the conference will make it a fulfilling experience to come to Bloemfontein. If you want to be part of the most vibrant and social group of public administration scholars, join us there!




April 30th, 2024
Abstracts Submission deadline
April 15th to May 15th, 2024
Authors’ notification
May 10th, 2024
Registration is open
June 22nd, 2024
Final papers submission deadline


Create an account here:

• Go to “Your submissions” and select a working group/ track.

• Follow the specific instructions given in the Calls.

• If prompted, add an attachment.



Registration fees


USD 500


USD 600

 Participants from the Host Country and continent of Africa1

USD 3002


USD 200

 Working Groups/ Chairs and Project Directors

USD 150


USD 100

 Accompanying Persons3

USD 100

1 Residency based on institutional affiliation is considered and not nationality.
2 Equivalent in South African Rand at the time of payment.
Do not have access to academic activities, only social.


Please check the following document for more information on visa requirements, health advice, conference venue, transportation, and more useful information.

Venue Address: University of the Free State, 205 Nelson Mandela Dr, Park West, Bloemfontein, 9301, África do Sul | GoogleMaps |


For inquiries, please contact the organizers at info@iasia-conference2024.org

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