In 2025, the annual Conference of the International Institute of Administrative Science (IIAS) will be organized jointly with the Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG).  

It will take place in the Bharat Mandapam, New Delhi on February 10-14, 2025. 

It will focus on the theme of Next Generation Administrative Reforms – Empowering Citizens and Reaching the Last Mile

The Conference will consist of plenary sessions, panel sessions and parallel sessions on the conference theme and those brought forward by the organizers’ networks. 

Dr. Wolfgang Drechsler and Dr. Suresh Misra will act as scientific chairpersons of the Conference. 


The International Institute of Administrative Sciences is a learned society in public administration established in 1930 and headquartered in Brussels, Belgium. It federates ministries, schools of government, national associations, and ministries. It organizes events, publishes scientific material, provides quality assurance services for education, and fulfils advocacy function. 

The Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances is the nodal agency of the Government of India for administrative reforms and redressal of public grievances relating to the states in general and those pertaining to Central Government agencies in particular.The Department disseminates information on important activities of the Government relating to administrative reforms and public grievance redressal through publications and documentation. The Department also undertakes activities in the field of international exchange and cooperation to promote public service reforms. Mission of DARPG is to foster excellence in governance and pursuit of administrative reforms through - Improvements in government structures and processes, Promoting citizen-centric governance with emphasis on grievance redressal, Innovations in e-Governance, Documentation and dissemination of good practices. The DAR&PG has been making endeavours to bring excellence in public service delivery and to redress grievances of citizens in a meaningful manner by effectively coordinating with different Ministries and Departments of the Government and trying to eliminate the causes of grievances.


The conference program will be continuously updated. 


Registrations will open in November 2024

Fee, GST. excl.
USD 500
Non-members of IIAS
USD 600
India Nationals
USD 200
Delegates from South Asia
USD 400
IIAS Board Members
USD 400
Track Chairpersons
USD 400
USD 150
Accompanying Persons
USD 300


The call for papers is now closed. Please review your submission, check the guidelines for presenters, and register for the conference.


Please check the following document for more information on visa requirements, health advices, conference venue, transportation, and more useful information. 



Dear Participants, Distinguished Guests, and Esteemed Colleagues,

Onbehalf of the International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IIAS), it ismy great pleasure to welcome you to the IIAS-DARPG India Conference 2025. Thissignificant event will take place in the vibrant city of New Delhi, India.

Ourtheme, "NextGeneration Administrative Reforms: Empowering Citizens and Reaching
the Last Mile,"
reflectsour commitment to advancing administrative practices that directly benefit ourcommon denominator, our citizens. As we navigate the complexities of governance,we recognize the pivotal role that innovative reforms play in shaping abrighter future for all.

Throughoutthis conference, we will engage in thought-provoking discussions, share good practices,and explore transformative solutions. Together, we aim to empower citizens by bridginggaps, enhancing service delivery, and ensuring that no one is left behind.

Inan era of rapid technological disruption and rising citizen expectations, howcan we reinvent public administration to better serve the needs of our diversepopulations? This is the challenge we have gathered to tackle at the IIAS-DARPGIndia Conference.

Aroundthe world, governments are grappling with complex, interconnected issues – fromclimate change and income inequality to digital transformation and democraticbacksliding. In this climate of uncertainty, public servants must cultivate newskills, adopt agile mindsets, and forge bold, innovative solutions. 

Yet,the work does not stop there. We must ensure that the fruits of administrativereform reach the most marginalized communities - empowering citizens, improvingservice delivery, and bridging the digital divide. By harnessing the power oftechnology and grassroots partnerships, we can make the promise of goodgovernance a reality for all. 

Thisconference represents a unique opportunity to learn from global practitionersand scholars, share cutting-edge research, and forge internationalcollaborations. Together, we will chart a course towards a more efficient,equitable, and responsive public sector - one that truly puts people at theheart of policymaking.

Iencourage you to actively participate, exchange ideas, and contribute to therich tapestry of knowledge that will emerge from our collective efforts. Let usforge new partnerships, challenge conventional wisdom, and chart a coursetoward administrative excellence.

Once again, welcome to the IIAS-DARPG India Conference2025. Let us embark on this
journey together, as we strive to create administrative systems that trulyserve the needs of our citizens.



Distinguished participants,

It is with great pleasure and immense pride that I extend a warm welcome to each and every one of you to the IIAS-DARPG, New Delhi Conference for 2025. 

Conferences like these provide a unique platform for intellectual exchange, collaboration, and the exploration of innovative ideas in the field of Public Administration. They allow us to connect with our peers, learn from one another, and collectively contribute to advancing our fields.

The theme of the 2025 conference is "Next Generation Administrative Reforms – Empowering Citizens and Reaching the Last Mile". We hope to deepen understanding of collaborative approaches to governance, highlight successful strategies, identify challenges, and explore the potential for enhanced cooperation among nations and international organizations.

 I am sure that the ambiance of our venue in Bharat Mandapam blended with Indian hospitality, will make your stay during the conference an enriching experience and an enjoyable period which you would like to keep in your memory for a long time. You will also have an opportunity to experience the rich historical heritages of India through the excursion tour. 

I wish you all an enjoyable and fulfilling IIAS-DARPG New Delhi Conference 2025 experience with Indian cuisine. Good day

The Conference rapporteurs

Prof. dr. Wolfgang Drechsler, Taltech RND

Prof. dr. Suresh Misra, Indian Institute of Public Administration


For inquiries, please contact the organizers info@iias-darpg-indiaconference2025.org 

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