LAGPA Wraps Up Successful Annual Conference

Cesar Rojas Alfonzo,

The Latin American Group for Public Administration (LAGPA), a regional chapter of the International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IIAS), recently concluded its Annual Conference in Santiago de Chile, from January 15 to 17, 2024. Hosted at the University of Chile, the conference was held in collaboration with the Faculty of Government at the University of Chile and the University of Valle (Cali, Colombia).

The conference brought together experts, academics, professionals, and leaders in Public Administration and served as a platform to discuss significant issues affecting Latin America. This year, the focus was on the evolving role of Public Administration in the region amidst changing regional landscapes and challenges.

During the first day of the Conference, four distinguished speakers took the stage to delve into critical discussions surrounding democracy and representation in the region. This platform provided an invaluable opportunity for reflection and discourse, bringing together renowned experts and academics to analyze the challenges and prospects confronting Latin America. The keynote presentations included: "Elections and the Democratic Recession" Presented by Marta Lagos, Executive Director of Latinobarómetro (Chile); "The Erosion of Democracy in Latin America. Prospective Analysis", delivered by Edgar Jiménez Cabrera, General Director of the International Center for Strategic Studies (Mexico); "Challenges and Contributions of the Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean (CAF) to Strengthen Democracy and Representativeness in the Region", Presented by Christian Asinelli, Corporate Vice President of Strategic Programming at CAF - Development Bank of Latin America (Argentina) and "The Role of TOPP Capacities in the Way out of the Crisis", Presented by Javier Medina Vásquez, Deputy Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).

Notable highlights from the presentations include Marta Lagos's emphasis on the importance of understanding the regional context and implementing inclusive policies to address the crisis of representation. Edgar Jiménez Cabrera underscored the erosion of democracy and the challenges posed by inequality, technology, and governance. Christian Asinelli highlighted the pivotal role of multilateral organizations like CAF in driving economic and social reactivation, stressing the need for enhanced public management and leadership capacities. Javier Medina Vásquez shed light on the gaps and challenges in various sectors, advocating for strengthened institutional and prospective capacities to navigate uncertainty. The day's proceedings concluded with a call for regional collaboration and the formulation of comprehensive public policies to address the multifaceted challenges, with the aspiration of fostering a more inclusive, democratic, and prosperous Latin America.

The event was marked by a series of compelling panels and talks after the first day. The panel "Innovación Pública" (Public Innovation) explored the topic of public innovation and its relevance in today's rapidly changing world. Keynote speakers included Professor Fernando López Parra, who discussed the global implications of innovation and the role of governance, Professor Luis Miguel Martínez Anzures, who emphasized the importance of an axiological reflection on the purpose of innovation, and Professor Ariel Ramírez, who highlighted the need for innovative approaches to address public issues.

The panel "Análisis comparativo de los desarrollos de la administración pública en América Latina" (Comparative Analysis of Public Administration Developments in Latin America) offered an in-depth examination of the challenges and opportunities facing public administration in the region. Speakers such as Diego Barría, Luis Solari, and Edgar Varela provided valuable insights into the crisis of democracy, the role of society, and the need for a systemic approach to governance.

The event also held a discussion focused on the shared challenges and nuanced distinctions of public policy within the region, offering a comparative analysis to identify unique regional dynamics. With insightful speeches given by Dr. Claudia Souza Passador (Brazilian Society of Public Administration - SBAP), Luiz Carlos Beduschi Filho (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - FAO), and Carlos Alfredo Lazary (Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization - OTCA), the panel addressed key areas such as economic, social, environmental, security and justice, and education policies. Moreover, the discussion touched on the monitoring of prominent social programs, with a focus on promoting sustainable economic growth, mitigating poverty and inequality, safeguarding the rights of vulnerable groups, preserving the environment, and enhancing security and education. 

Dr. Diogo Pereira, Director of Communications for the IIAS, also delivered a message on behalf of the IIAS President, Ra’ed BenShams, and Director General, Sofiane Sahraoui. He emphasized the importance of strengthening Latin American representation within the IIAS to amplify regional voices on the global stage.

On behalf of the IIAS, we would like to extend our deepest gratitude to the esteemed organizers of the LAGPA Annual Conference. We are deeply appreciative of the unwavering support and commitment from Dr. Guillermo Murillo Vargas, Rector of the University of Valle, and Dr. Rosa Devés Alessandri, Rector of the University of Chile, as well as the valuable contributions of Dr. Alejandra Cristina Mizala Salces, Prorector of the University of Chile, Dr. Leonardo Letelier Saavedra, Dean of the Faculty of Government at the University of Chile, and Dr. Ariel Ramírez Orrego, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Government at the University of Chile. Their dedication and vision have ensured the success of this conference, and we are deeply grateful for their leadership.

We also extend our gratitude to Prof. Ruben Dario Echeverry, LAGPA President, and Dr. Edgar Varela Barrios, LAGPA Past President, who played a pivotal role in orchestrating this event, bringing together a diverse array of experts, academics, professionals, and leaders in Public Administration from across Latin America.

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all participants who attended the conference and contributed their insights, expertise, and passion to enriching the dialogue on Public Administration in Latin America. Your active engagement and thought-provoking contributions have been instrumental in shaping the discussions and advancing our collective understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing the region. Thank you for your invaluable contributions and for being an integral part of this important event.

The LAGPA Annual Conference has become a crucial forum for advancing the dialogue on public administration in Latin America. The conference final reports and presentations will be available soon on the LAGPA conference website for those who want to delve deeper into the topics discussed.

We look forward to your continued engagement and collaboration in the future at other IIAS events in Latin America and all over the world. We invite you to explore our website and check our recent publications and events scheduled for 2024.


The International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration (IASIA) is pleased to announce the call for nominations for its prestigious awards, the Donald C. Stone Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Advancement and Well-Being of IASIA and the O.P. Dwivedi Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Advancement of Public Administration and Public Policy Worldwide, for 2025.

The LAGPA 2024 Conference, organized by the Latin America Group for Public Administration (LAGPA) — the regional group of the International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IIAS) — and supported by Universidad del Valle (Colombia) and the National Institute of Public Administration (INAP) (Mexico), will be held in Mexico City, Mexico, from October 22 to 24, 2024.

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